Friday, January 27, 2012

a footprint of me

The first project of the semester was to create your footprint containing things that represent you. A spin off of the self-portrait, students represented themselves with things about themselves like their family, where they are from, and their interests and hobbies. Most individuals are able to share what is important to them through words, but it was nice challenge to present them with a variety of materials in the space of a footprint.

Procedure and Requirements:
1) Students will collect their ideas on a scrap sheet of notebook paper and determine how they would like to represent their life as an introduction to classmates.
2) Students will trace the outline of their foot/shoe on construction paper and then cut it out. They may use both feet and their completed design can run off the edge of the paper.
3) A minimum of 3 mediums will be used to decorate their footprint. Example of mediums: construction paper, markers, ribbon, fabric, found objects, magazines
Note: It is important to remind students to complete their layout before they use any glue and for the younger grades to remember, "just a dot, not a lot!"
4) After the project, students will introduce themselves by explaining the items they have chosen to present on their footprint.
The pictures here are the footprint I created. I will share with you what each is made of and what they represent to me.

From left to right:
fork and spoon (cut out of crafter's metal, ribbon): I have really enjoyed learning more about how to cook and bake this past year. I also enjoy eating!
poodle (foam, felt, ribbon): This represents my family. They are very important to me and I love spending time with them. We have a poodle (a very spoiled one, I must add) and I really enjoy dogs.
shoes (card stock, twine): I really enjoy working out and being active outdoors. I find running to be the best workout!
book (card stock, pen): I enjoy books and reading.
leaf (sticker): Fall is my favorite season and I love seeing the leaves change every year. I also have a thing for trees.
postage stamp (card stock, pen): Sending and receiving mail can be the highlight of my day. I really enjoy taking the time to send a letter to someone I love.
name (sticker, stamped): My sisters and I all have names that begin with 'M.'
cross (found object, used to be on a cord as a necklace): My faith in God is most important to me.
lamp (card stock, foam): I really enjoy antiquing and interior design. I can't wait to have a house of my own someday! I also really like lamps and how they can "cozy-up" a room.
shopping bag (wrapping paper, tissue paper, raffia): I really enjoy shopping as well as gift-giving.
An extension activity that would go well with this project would be a writing that explains what each thing represents to them and why they chose to display it in that way on their footprint. By writing about each thing, students can work on sentence variation and word choice. There could even be "off-limits" phrases that they cannot use such as, "I like...," and "I made..." to challenge them to think of other ways to share about themselves.

After the completed project, the teacher could construct a bulletin board with the footprints forming a path and a title that says, "On the path to success in __ grade!"
Another collage art project that would be fun for introductions would be for students to work in pairs and trace the silhouette of their head by using an overhead projector. Then they could use magazines, drawings, text, or other materials to create a collage of things that represent them.

Have a creative day!